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Weight loss surgery procedures

You should have access to all surgical options, as determined by your unique needs. Both surgeons are highly experienced general surgeons with subspecialty training in bariatric and upper gastrointestinal surgery. Both trained in high-volume specialist bariatric centres in Brisbane, interstate and overseas.

This means they are able to perform the full range of weight loss surgeries, as well as revisional surgery. It’s about determining which procedure is right for you and your body.

Your surgeon will perform your weight loss surgery at the Mater Hospital in Pimlico. While your chosen surgeon will be your primary surgeon, both surgeons will attend. This means you get the unique benefit of two qualified specialist surgeons during your operation

Book a consultation

Would weight loss surgery benefit you?

BMI is one of the leading ways of measuring obesity, find out if you’re a candidate for surgery. Body Mass Index (BMI) is a person’s weight in kilograms divided by their height in meters squared. The Nation Institute of Health defines normal weight, overweight and obesity according to BMI.


Your BMI is

Answer the questions below and we can contact you to discuss your treatment options

Tell us about any other health issues

If you do not meet the BMI or weight criteria, you still may be considered for surgery if your BMI is over 30 and you are suffering serious health problems related to obesity.

Do you have either of these serious health concerns?

Have you experienced any of the following Health Risks Associated with Obesity?

BMI is not the only criteria

Something here about lifestlye or how long you’ve been trying to lose weight and what you’ve tried.

Tell us if you any of these apply to you

What is your outlook on weightloss?

Readiness to begin your wieghtloss journey is important.

How committed are you to your weightloss journey?

Fill in your details to recieve a free weight loss info pack

If you choose we can share information about your health, medical history and lifestyle with our team who will determine whether you are a candidate for weightloss surgery.

Weight loss surgery FAQs

What is bariatric surgery?
Bariatric surgery is another term for weight loss surgery. The two most common procedures are a Sleeve Gastrectomy and a Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass. Other bariatric surgery procedures we offer are Mini Gastric Bypass, Revisional Bariatric Surgery and Intra-gastric Balloon. Read more about our range of bariatric surgery options.
Who can get weight loss surgery?
Weight loss surgery is an effective treatment for people who are struggling with obesity and/or experiencing other medical complications, such as obstructive sleep apnoea, coronary artery disease, type 2 diabetes, fatty liver, osteoarthritis/joint pain, cancers and decreased fertility.

While some people are able to manage excess weight through diet and exercise, 95% cannot and weight loss surgery provides another option.

Patients who have a BMI greater than 40, and patients with a BMI greater than 35 and experiencing health complications associated with excess weight are excellent candidates for bariatric surgery.

What will bariatric surgery cost?
At your initial consultation, we will go through our fee structure in detail and discuss, if insured, what your private health insurance will and will not cover. We are transparent in our pricing and you will be fully aware of all costs before surgery.

Costs include:

  • Dr Benedict Mackay or Dr Garth McLeod’s surgical time and a second surgeon assisting
  • The anaesthetist’s fee
  • Hospital fees
  • Medications, such as pain relief
  • Follow up consultations
  • Ongoing support from dietitians, exercise physiologists, psychologists and other allied health professionals
How long will recovery take?
You should expect to stay in hospital for two to three days after bariatric surgery. You should make arrangements for someone to take you home.

It’s also recommended to have someone at home to help you for the first five to seven days after surgery with tasks like cooking, laundry, housework and caring for children.

Most patients return to work two to four weeks after bariatric surgery.

How quickly will I lose weight?
Most patients experience a weight loss of 65 to 75% of excess weight over a period of 12 to 18 months.
What lifestyle changes will I need to make?
Bariatric surgery results in a substantially reduced stomach capacity, which will help you reduce the volume of food that you eat. You may have to eliminate some foods and drinks from your diet altogether.

For some patients, this can be mentally challenging, so we partner with allied health professionals to provide ongoing support on your weight loss journey before and after your bariatric surgery.

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